(A Govt of India Enterprise under Ministry of Defence)
(Ref. the advertisement in Times of India/ Navbharat Times, dated 4th Feb 2009)
BEL, Ghaziabad requires Temporary Engineers for VSAT project at various locations in India initially for a period of one year.
First Class B.E./B.Tech degree in Electronics /Electronics & Communication / Computer Science/ MSc. (Electronics)/Electrical Engineering from recognized Institute/ University or its equivalent.
Installation and commissioning of POLNET expansion project, providing warranty services for POLNET network, Site Shifting, liasioning with customers, day to interaction with vendors and Spares Management.
Candidate should have min one year hands on experience in installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of satellite based HUB/VSAT stations and LAN/WAN networks. Preference will be given to those who are well knowledgeable of local conditions of the required zones.
Upper age limit: 25 years as on 01.02.2009 (relaxation in case of SC/ST/OBC/PH candidates as per Govt. guidelines).The upper age limit may be relaxed in the case of deserving candidates at the discretion of management.
Candidates having min one year of experience will be given consolidated amount of Rs 12,000/-. Emoluments may vary with additional years of experience.
•Travel: To be paid on monthly basis on submission of details alongwith customer
certified site visit reports as under:
Local Conveyance: Rs 2.50 per Km, based on customer certified site visit reports.
Travel to outstation: on actuals, by Bus/Train (upto 3 tr AC)
During outstation travel: Rs 200 per day shall be payable for food and Rs 350
against lodging
•Mobile Phone: The Temporary Engineer must have a mobile phone for which he
will be paid Rs 750/- per month. In addition, calls made outside the state for official purposes will be reimbursed, on actual.
•Internet Usage: The Temporary Engineer will also be entitled for reimbursement of amount upto Rs 500 per month for Internet use charges for official
•Accident Insurance: The Temporary Engineer will be covered by accident insurance policy for payment upto Rs 1 Lakhs depending on nature of injury due to accident.
One month notice period will be required to be given for termination of the tenure of Contract.
Selection will be through interview of the shortlisted candidates. Candidates employed in the Govt. / Quasi- Govt. & other PSU’s should apply through proper channel or produce NOC at the time of interview. Interested candidates may apply by sending their resume on our Email: writing the subject APLLICATION FOR POLNET.
For full details of advertisement click here

(Ref. the advertisement in Times of India/ Navbharat Times, dated 4th Feb 2009)
BEL, Ghaziabad requires Temporary Engineers for VSAT project at various locations in India initially for a period of one year.
First Class B.E./B.Tech degree in Electronics /Electronics & Communication / Computer Science/ MSc. (Electronics)/Electrical Engineering from recognized Institute/ University or its equivalent.
Installation and commissioning of POLNET expansion project, providing warranty services for POLNET network, Site Shifting, liasioning with customers, day to interaction with vendors and Spares Management.
Candidate should have min one year hands on experience in installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of satellite based HUB/VSAT stations and LAN/WAN networks. Preference will be given to those who are well knowledgeable of local conditions of the required zones.
Upper age limit: 25 years as on 01.02.2009 (relaxation in case of SC/ST/OBC/PH candidates as per Govt. guidelines).The upper age limit may be relaxed in the case of deserving candidates at the discretion of management.
Candidates having min one year of experience will be given consolidated amount of Rs 12,000/-. Emoluments may vary with additional years of experience.
•Travel: To be paid on monthly basis on submission of details alongwith customer
certified site visit reports as under:
Local Conveyance: Rs 2.50 per Km, based on customer certified site visit reports.
Travel to outstation: on actuals, by Bus/Train (upto 3 tr AC)
During outstation travel: Rs 200 per day shall be payable for food and Rs 350
against lodging
•Mobile Phone: The Temporary Engineer must have a mobile phone for which he
will be paid Rs 750/- per month. In addition, calls made outside the state for official purposes will be reimbursed, on actual.
•Internet Usage: The Temporary Engineer will also be entitled for reimbursement of amount upto Rs 500 per month for Internet use charges for official
•Accident Insurance: The Temporary Engineer will be covered by accident insurance policy for payment upto Rs 1 Lakhs depending on nature of injury due to accident.
One month notice period will be required to be given for termination of the tenure of Contract.
Selection will be through interview of the shortlisted candidates. Candidates employed in the Govt. / Quasi- Govt. & other PSU’s should apply through proper channel or produce NOC at the time of interview. Interested candidates may apply by sending their resume on our Email: writing the subject APLLICATION FOR POLNET.
For full details of advertisement click here